Documentation Update

Product:	CometServerProducts105.exe

Version:	10.5

Date:	December 23, 2010       Download the latest release now!

The following changes have been made in this release:


1.	No changes were made in this release.


1.	Corrected a couple of problems in SearchFile.

Changes in previous releases: Version 10.4 CSecSrv.exe: 1. Corrected code that could have crashed in a multiple UI environment such as terminal services. CFileSrv: 1. Any attempts to start Transaction Backup are now ignored. This is not released yet. Version 10.3 Comet Server Products: 1. Log files for CSecSrv.exe, CFileSrv.exe, and CFAMNetServe.exe now go to CometServices\Log folder. 2. Updates to FileSrvUI and SecSrvUI that should eliminate tray icon errors at system startup. Version 10.2 CSecSrv.exe: 1. Changed method for detecting relogins to prevent Comet licenses from being left consumed by users who had logged off incompletely. This problem was introduced in version 10.0. 2. Eliminated some old code which may have been responsible for causing crashes. CFileSrv.exe: 1. Changes required for FSTAT enhancement which allows distinguishing between IB objects compiled for Comet16 from those compiled only for Comet32. Version 10.0 CSecSrv.exe: 1. Support required for SecLic utility. CFileSrv.exe: 1. No changes were made in this release.