QACCESS Installation Instructions and Operating Procedures

QACCESS can be installed onto a Qantel system by simply following the regular installation procedures for installing QTERM onto a Qantel system. Step by step procedures follow:

     #1 Obtain the ZIP file QTM-QACC.ZIP from Signature's Web Site. It can be
        found by :

        a) Log on to Signature's main web page.
        b) CLICK on "Download Signature Software", another web page will
           display. You must have a valid user id and password.
        c) CLICK on QACCESS, another web page will display.
        d) Two ZIP files will be displayed with a short description. They are:

           QACC9809.ZIP  -   This ZIP file contains QACCESS, QACCESS1 and
                             QACCESS2. QACC-AT and QACCLOG are CED files that
                             explain how to set up a modem on a Comet Multi-
                             user system and a LOG file describing the
                             development sequence of QACCESS. The three object
                             files can be copied to the UTL directory under

           QTM-QACC.ZIP  -   This ZIP file is actually a QTERM 6.59 release that
                             contains a version of QACCESS that is meant to
                             reside on a QANTEL system.

     #2 At the DOS command line (the C:\ prompt), perform the MAKE DIR command
        to create a QTERM directory and unzip QTM-QACC.ZIP to that directory.

     #3 Make sure your PC is connected to the QANTEL system, configured
        properly and you're able to get to the Qantel READY: prompt.

     #4 Using *DRMAINT, create a directory called QTM and gain access to it.

     #5 At the READY: prompt, press the key combination ALT-C, and select the
        "Load script file" option.

     #6 At the "Enter desired file name below" prompt please enter "#QINSTAL"
        and press ENTER. You'll be back at the ALT-C menu. Press ESC one more

     #7 The script file #QINSTAL, is a command file that executes *EDIT, builds
        a source program, compiles it with *QIC, then assembles it with *ASM.
        When complete, a QICBASIC object program called QINSTALL is created and

     #8 QINSTALL will load the following programs to the QTM directory on the
        Qantel system.


     #9 When all of the above files have been copied, QINSTALL will prompt to
        press TAB to return to the READY prompt. On some systems, this does not
        work and the QTERM screen will appear frozen, or the keyboard won't
        respond. If this happens, perform an ALT-U to unload QTERM. When back at
        the DOS command line, just re-run QTERM and log back into the Qantel.

         QACCESS is successfully installed on the Qantel system and is ready to
         be used to transfer files.

For the COMET side of operations, QACCESS is released in the UTL directory and has a menu option in QTILITY, option 23. Please be certain that the release version of QACCESS is 98.09. Earlier versions of QACCESS will simply not work.

Below are operating instructions for transferring files from a Qantel to Comet system with step by step procedures.

     #1 Make certain your Comet system has a QTERM gateway configured. QACCESS
        makes use of this gateway to transfer files.

     #2 Make sure you're using COS 504 to transfer files and not COSW or C98.

     #3 For Windows/95 users, select "DOS Prompt" from the desktop. For optimal
        speed in transferring files Win/95 should be booted in DOS only mode.

     #4 At the command line, change to the directory that contains QTERM.

     #5 Execute QTERM and log in to the Qantel system. You should be at the
        READY: prompt.

     #6 Type "RUN QACCESS" and press ENTER. QACCESS on the Qantel is a "slave"
        program and there's nothing more to do on the Qantel side.

        NOTES: Make sure QTERM is configured to run TSR and you remember what
               the hot-key sequence is to return to the DOS command line. It's
               NOT ALT-U.

     #7 When you hot-key out of QTERM, QTERM is actually still running in memory
        yet you're at the DOS command line.

     #8 Change to the COMET directory and execute COS 504. Comet and Qterm will
        be running together within the same DOS session.

        NOTE: For Windows/95 users, don't start another DOS session. Comet and
              Qterm MUST run within a single DOS session to work.

        NOTE: If you're transferring files to a Novell server using
              the NLM file system, you can just execute COS with no
              special "/"-slash commands. However, if you're going to
              transfer to your local disc, please execute COS with the
              /N option. This option forces all opened files to be
              closed when the user count is zero and will stop COS
              from erroring out, due to file handle problems.

     #9 Run QACCESS via QTILITY or by entering "QACCESS" at the READY prompt.

    #10 Make certain QACCESS version 9702 is running. If not, it just
        won't work.

    #11 Enter a filename so QACCESS can create a command file to
        transfer files from the Qantel to Comet system. This file is
        keyed, 94 and 7.

    #12 Enter the Comet directory label where the command file is to
        be created or found.

    #13 At the prompt "Start/Respecify (S/R)", enter "R".

    #14 At the prompt "Host or Remote? (H/R)", enter "H".

    #15 At the prompt "Qterm Gateway:", enter a valid gateway device
        that's configured for QTERM (Ex: G00).

    #16 At the prompt "Host Directory:", enter the Qantel directory
        label of the files you want to transfer to Comet. Make sure
        Qantel directory is accessed.

    #17 At the prompt "Remote Directory:", enter the Comet directory
        where the Qantel files are to be transferred to. Again, make
        sure it's accessed.

    #18 At the prompt "Comet or Qantel Session? (C/Q)", enter "Q".

    #19 At the prompt "Copy, Scan or List? (C/S/L)", enter "C". At
        this time, the SCAN and LIST options for version 9702 are not

    #20 At the prompt "All file types? (Y/N)" enter "Y" to copy
        Keyed, Sequential, Object and Contiguous files  OR enter "N"
        to selectively copy those file types of your choice.

    #21 At the prompt "All file names? (Y/N)", enter "Y" to copy a
        complete range of files OR enter "N" and specify a "First" and
        "Last" filename range of your choice.

    #22 At this time, a screen display that's similar to a catalog
        list will be displaying/scrolling. These are the file names
        being selected for transfer and are being included in the
        command file.

        When done scrolling, a summary of the total number of files
        and byte counts to be transferred will be displayed along with
        the prompt "Start file transfer or Exit? (S/E)". Enter "S" to
        start the file transfer or "E" to exit.

    #23 As files are being transferred, the status of the transfer is
        displayed along with some statistics. When complete, QACCESS
        will return to the QTILITY menu on the Comet side and to the
        READY:: prompt on the Qantel side.

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