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Site Contents
Archive Documentation
This page was updated on December 11, 2006
Technical documentation
IB enhancements for Comet32
Intro to Multi-Keyed Files
Signature.net Support Forum
Server and Workstation Installation
CometServerProducts.exe and CometWorkstation.exe
CAInstall.exe for Comet Anywhere clients
Troubleshooting your License Certificate
Glossary of Files and Terms
Introduction to CFAM
Archive Documentation
Comet 2006
Comet 2005
Comet 2004
Comet 2003
Comet 2002
Comet 2000
Las Vegas Meeting Notes (Windows Programming, CometLib, Debugger)
Internet Basic documentation
Internet Basic Debugger Documentation
So, You Want to Write Windows Apps
CometLib API for COM-compliant languages
Internet Basic Development Platform
Windows Development Library (WDL) Dialog/Control Reference Guide
eComet and XAP
What is XAP?
Tutorials, Demos, References
Database Utilities
Comet Data Express Overview
Using Comet Data Express
Using View Manager
Using DB Manager
Using DBLaunch
The Reporter
Running Programs at Start-up Time (QSTARTX)
Command line options
COSW.ini Settings
Screen colors (CWCOLOR)
General information
CometAnywhere configuration guidelines
CometAnyhere port number
Cascading printers
Comet machine-specific security
CAUPDATE program
Directory aliases overview
TACCESS CometAnywhere File Transfer Utility
Utility programs
Comet Electronic Mail
Comet Security System
Command language
Installation instructions and operating procedures
Documentation Updates
IB Language
Comet Tips
Remote Printing
Using eComet with Java
Adding Sound to Your Programs
Comet Gateways
Comet Command Line Options
Making HTML documents
Migrating to Comet2000
Comet Directory Layout
CometAnywhere Port Number
Using the System Symbolic Constants
Using Client Pull Technology with eComet Applications
Comet Screen Colors
Cascading Printers
Using the SERVER command in SYSGEN
Using SuperNova to Launch Windows Applications and Web Pages
Windows Sockets Error Codes, Values, and Meanings (MS document)
Using the Spool Message Feature
Launching the FedEx Web Page
Launching Windows Applications from Comet98
Getting ready for on-line documentation
Improving network speed
Form feeds and "raw" printers
Comet and Novell 5.0
QACCESS Instructions
CometAnywhere Configuration Guidelines
Creating a Splash Screen for Comet98
Comet98 Installation Checklist
Comet98 Installation Checklist--part 2
Keeping Your NetWare Current
Comet98 Printer Configuration Guidelines