
Language Structure

IB Statements

File System

Comet 32 Runtime


FSTAT function

Syntax: FSTAT(filename[,DIR=directory][,EXCP=statement-label])
Discussion: The FSTAT function returns file status information.

The filename may be a string constant, a single-element string variable, a string array element, a string expression, or a string function.

If you specify a directory, and the file does not exist, FSTAT succeeds and gives you the next file in the directory you specified. If you do not specify a directory, and the file does not exist, Comet gives you an error 11 (file not found).

Return values:
Position  Length    Description/Values
1         1         File type
                    K = keyed file
                    D = sequential file
                    T = text file
                    O = Comet object program
                    Q = QICBASIC object program
2         1         Locked status
                    "P" = locked
                    "" or "@00@" = unlocked
3         3         Directory name
6         3         Open count (decimal)
9         3         Extract count (decimal)
12        3         Record size (# of bytes, decimal)
15        4         Size of data file (# of bytes, hex)
19        6         Create date (MMDDYY)
25        6         Update date (MMDDYY)
31        3         Key length
                    (# of bytes, decimal, key files only)
34        1         Unused
35        11        Next file name in directory
46        4         Record size (# of bytes, decimal, 4 digits)
50        12        Whole file name after the conversion from Qantel
                    characters to DOS characters, in the form:
                    filename (8 characters with blanks appended),
                    period (if extension is supplied), and
                    extension (3 characters)
62 *      8         Full create date (MMDDYYYY)
70 *      8         Full update date (MMDDYYYY)
129       2         Time of last update (seconds, 2 digits)
131       4         Time of last update HHMM
135       4         For keyed file: File length of I00 file (# of bytes, hex **
                    For object file: if NE "@00000000@" then it's a Comet32 object
139       4         Key position (extended keyed files only)
143       1         File type in hex (added in Comet 2005)
                      "@01@" = sequential file
                      "@02@" = contiguous file
                      "@04@" = keyed file
                      "@08@" = text file
                      "@24@" = extended keyed file
147       4         Position of object in library file (if object
                    file is bound)
* Full create date and update date added in Comet 504.239 and Comet98 Build 239.
** Prior to CometServe version 12.01 this only included the .I00 file
This example shows how the FSTAT function can be used to obtain file status information for a file named "C1A".