
Language Structure

IB Statements

File System

Comet 32 Runtime


Windows printer mnemonics

Text and font functions

Mnemonic Description
(GetBkColor) Returns the current background color
(GetBkMode) Returns the current background mode
(GetFontInfo = item-code) Returns font information
(GetFuncResult) Requests the 4-byte result of the last printer function
(GetTextAlign) Returns the current text alignment mode
(GetTextColor) Returns the current text color
(GetTextExtent); printable-text Measures the size (width and height) of the specified text
(Pop Font)
(Push Font)
(Rectangle=left, top, right, bottom) Draws a rectangle
(RoundRect=left, top, right, bottom, corner-width, corner-height) Draws a rectangle with rounded corners
(SelectFont); log-font-data Selects the specified font
(SelectSysFont=font-number) Selects the specified SYSTEM font
(SetBkColor=red, green, blue) Sets the current background color
(SetBkMode=mode) Sets the background mode
(SetTextAlign=flags) Sets the text alignment mode
(SetTextColor=red, green, blue) Sets the current text color
(TextOut = X, Y); printable-text Prints the specified text at the specified location

Graphics and drawing functions

Mnemonic Description
(Draw Bit Map=left, top, right, bottom, scaleX, scaleY, flags); filename Draws a bitmap graphic contained in the specified filename (.BMP/.JPG) at the specified location, using the specified format codes and scaling factors
(Draw Image=left, top, right, bottom, scaleX, scaleY, flags, filename) Draws a bitmap graphic contained in the specified filename (.BMP/.JPG) at the specified location, using the specified format codes and scaling factors
(Draw Text=left, top, right, bottom, flags); printable-text Prints the specified text into the rectangle at the specified location, using the specified format codes
(Ellipse=left, top, right, bottom) Draws an ellipse
(Line To = X, Y) Draws a line using the currently selected pen from the current location pointer to the location specified
(Move To = X, Y) Moves the current location pointer to the specified location
(SelectHatchBrush=style, red, green, blue) Selects the hatched brush
(SelectPen=style, width, red, green, blue) Selects the specified pen
(SelectSolidBrush=red, green, blue) Selects the solid brush

Printer control functions

Mnemonic Description
(GetPageInfo = item-code) Returns page information
(SetOrientation=mode) Sets the paper orientation
(SetPaperSize) Sets the paper size
(SetPrinterInfo) Sets printer information
(LineSpacing=LinesPerInch) Overrides the default font-based line spacing to the desired lines-per-inch
(AutoCrOn) Turns on extra CR/LF added by CosP to the end of each line not followed by (TR).
(AutoCrOff) Turns off extra CR/LF added by CosP to the end of each line not followed by (TR).