Documentation Update

Product:	CometServerProducts701.exe

Version:	7.01

Date:	March 13, 2007

The 7.xx versions of the file server require Comet 2005.371 or higher and do not support type "S" files.

The following changes have been made in this release:


1.	Added Login message to log file that includes nodename and IP address.

2.	Only products for which there is a license will be shown in the "View"
	"In Use" display.
3.	A production problem which prevented version 6.02 from supporting Comet 2007
	products has been corrected.	

1.	Corrected the total number of partitions reported in "C" record of snapshot dump.
	Previously it was one less than it should have been.

2.	Added some additional diagnostic messages to the log file and display.

Changes in previous releases: Version 7.00 CFileSrv: 1. Corrected a problem that would have prevented a user who had LOCKed a file from OPENing it on another LUN. 2. Corrected the download URL in the About dialog. 3. Added CFileSrv.exe's pathname to the About dialog. CFAMNetServe: 1. Eliminated unnecessary "Buffer Overrun" messages from the log.